Jumat, 15 September 2017

 Dapet pasien, TV LCD Votre..layar gelap, indikator led nyala.
Coba dikasih cahaya/lampu, ada gambar remang-remang...

Cari-cari penyebabnya, ternyata...ini nih, g mau ngeluarin tegangan buat backlight lamp.

Ganti, & eng..ing..eng..  Alkhamdulillah...

Senin, 07 Agustus 2017

LED TV LG 32" Tidak ada Gambar (gelap)

Out of tofik (sunda: Out op topik) alias OOT:
Info awal, LED TV merek LG 32" tiba-tiba gambar ilang, suara ada, sebelum akhirnya suara ikut menghilang. Singkat cerita:
  1. Buka kesing, check tegangan Output Backlight ==> tegangan over banyak sekalliiiii, mestinya sekitar 24VDC, terukur sampai 66VDC (apa testernya yg dah minta ganti ya :-) )..FYI: Rangkaian LED Backlight disusun seri, jadi jika ada yg mati 1 ya mati semua. otomatis tegangan akan naik karena tidak ada beban. 
  2. Untuk lebih meyakinkan, pindahkan avometer ke pengukuran tahanan/dioda kalo pake tester digital. kalo ada yg putus, maka tidak akan terukur adanya hambatan/tahanan/resistansi.
  3. Buka kesing logam (metal chasing) layar LED, tip: saat ada yg susah dibuka, biasanya masih ada pengunci/baud yg belum dibuka. jangan dipaksa, karena rawan pecah.
  4. setelah terbuka semua, akan terlihat deretan LED seperti gambar dibawah
  6. test per baris untuk deteksi awal, kalau perlu test satu-persatu. Nilai resistansi LED LG 32" yg masih bagus dikisaran 790 Ohm.
  7. Ganti yang rusak, test keseluruhan. jika sudah nyala semua, kembalikan seperti semula.
  8. Bismillah...nyalakan

Siyap dibungkuss

Senin, 13 Februari 2017

Legalitas OEM Windows


Baru nemu link menarik seputar legalitas lisensi OEM Windows, silahkan dibaca di tautan berikut:

It's ok to use OEM Windows on your own PC, dont ask microsoft 

Petikan poin utama,
"Q: I have a small company and one of my clients has asked if I could upgrade several of their computers hardware and have inquired about me updating their computers to Windows 7.
In researching pricing for Windows 7 to give an estimate on cost for their requested computer work, I see that several places offer for purchase “OEM System Builder” software. The ‘OEM System Builder” is subject to “Microsoft OEM System Builder License” , can I purchase this OEM software or do I need to purchase the ‘full’ version?
A: Yes you can purchase the OEM version of Windows 7. The OEM versions of Windows have been available to the general public for many, many years and have worked without problems.
The main difference between OEM and Retail is that the OEM license does not allow moving the OS to a different computer, once it is installed.
Other than this, they are the same OS.
And here's another Q&A, asked and answered two days after Windows 7 was released last month:
Q: I build my own computers--mainly so I'll know what's in them and dont have to fool with the manufacturers' alleged "tech support" while I'm in warranty. At some point in the future I'll probably want to build one with Windows 7--when I do, do I qualify to use the "OEM System Builders" version or do I have to buy a retail copy?
A: Yes, you can buy the "OEM System Builders" version of Windows 7. Many online stores sell it.
That response was marked as an official Answer by the moderator of the forum, a Microsoft MVP.
So, to recap: A PC hobbyist or enthusiast who wants to buy a legal copy of Windows 7 at a discount gets confusing and conflicting information from Microsoft's web site. Microsoft's own "decision engine" leads him to software he isn't supposed to use, and even offers extra discounts if he buys through those links. He gets no information from online retailers who will happily take his money for a product he technically isn't allowed to install. And he gets absolutely wrong answers if he asks at Microsoft's official help forums.
Is that pathetic, or what?
A Microsoft spokesperson told me that the policy toward use of OEM software by home PC builders hasn't changed, and that the documents I found and pointed readers to for years were "mistakes." Sorry, that doesn't cut it. When you publish information on your website, and when you create glossy handouts that you distribute to your partners for years, those represent your policy. You can't suddenly change that policy by deleting copies of the old documents and pretending they never existed. That shows an appalling lack of transparency, not to mention a lack of respect for customers.
Normally, I'm a firm believer in following the letter and the spirit of software license agreements. In this case, though, given Microsoft's complete breakdown in communicating with its customers, I'm willing to make a major exception. I have no problem enthusiastically recommending these discounted copies of Windows for anyone building a PC for their own personal use. And I think someone at Microsoft should step up and formally approve that exception. It's the right thing to do


Baca juga disini...

Silahkan diterjemahken sendiri.....

Minggu, 12 Februari 2017



Ngalap berkah, Mumpung free...
Iseng-iseng berhadiah, coba buka layanan Payment Point alias Loket Pembayaran Online Bank.
Berikut penampakanya..

Monggo yang mau nitip, kami terima dengan senang hati dan senyuman..................

17 Jumadil Ula 1438